Aims & Objectives of Youth Club
- To promote culture, sports, regious and other Youth activities.
- To promote and activate the sense of social service among the society.
- To promote friendship, fellowship and natural understanding among the members of club.
- To organise various events like playing tennis, football, criket, hockey, basketball, athletic & sports, billiards.
Youth Welfare
Youth Welfare Department has been working hard to provide a firm stage to new talent. To furnish maximum opportunities for the outlet of talent of the students, ‘Talent Hunt’ is organized every year. Under the supervision of the department, students outshine in Zonal and Inter-Zonal Youth Festival. Efforts are made to let more and more students showcase their artistic skills at state, national and international level.
Various competitions are organized at intra- and inter-college level. To enhance the interest and to maintain the fervor, occasions like Teej, Basant etc are also celebrated by the dept. Various theatrical and other cultural performances by different professional groups are arranged throughout the year.