Digital Literacy Initiative

Digital Literacy Initiative

  • Our Institution realizes that the Elders around us in our neighborhood have contributed a lot to our Society. It is the time for us to reciprocate. Whilst doing the needs assessment, we realized that there was a great degree of interest amongst the Senior Citizens to learn a few useful applications of Computer and the World Wide Web. We, therefore, initiated a programme to provide functional Computer literacy to the senior citizens 14 years ago. Since then, a large number of elders have been trained on the usage of Information Technology in one’s day to day life. The response to the programme has been overwhelming and is evident from the fact that participants get themselves registered in advance for the next session batches.
  • There are large numbers of house wives in the remote area who do not have access to technology and are deprived of its use. Keeping this in view college has established a Mobile Computer Lab so that college can reach the remote areas and provide computer literacy to the groups which cannot come to college. A number of programs have already been conducted through this mobile Lab.
  • Joining the hand with MHRD in promoting cashless economy the college is promoting E-commerce and E-banking, E-Transactions and their use on mobile phones. One of the volunteer was awarded for her contribution by MHRD.
  • In addition to these a number of computer literacy programs are conducted with village students, Government School Students as well as Balkunj Students